Toxicity Mastery Course Starts October 23rd, 2024! 

Updated to Include Mosaic Lab's NEW Tox Detect Profile!

Each Year, An Estimated 1.2 Billion Pounds of Toxic Chemicals Are Released Into The Air & Water in The United States alone, with approximately 80,000 Different Chemicals. Less Than 10% Have Had Any Safety Evaluations.

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to limit exposure to chemicals, reduce their negative impact on health and remove them from the body.

Toxicity Mastery will give you the tools you need to quickly assess and treat a multitude of environmental toxicity problems - INCLUDING MOLD EXPOSURE - with your patients/clients.

“Better Living Through Chemistry” was a sales slogan used by a major chemical company back the 1930’s. As we advance in our ability to make products that are more efficient and effective, we have also increased our toxic burden in the world. Chemicals play a significant role in many of the products that we take for granted in modern society such as adhesives, ceramics, electronics, plastics and petroleum. Modern agriculture is an area where the use of specific chemicals has allowed for mass food production resistant to common pests. However, the impact of these chemicals on the environment and human health can be severe and lasting. We have yet to fully uncover the long-term effects of these chemicals in our environment, in our food and in our bodies.

One of the most vulnerable groups at risk for the detrimental effects of various chemicals are pregnant women. In research done by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) the exposure rates to various chemicals such as “polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs, phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and perchlorate were detected in 99–100% of pregnant women.” Birth defects and developmental disabilities such as autism are often linked to  chemical exposures. The chemical glyphosate, which is used worldwide in a popular herbicide, is now suspected to be the causative agent in various birth defects, premature babies and miscarriages. Glyphosate is suspected in the increased rates of many other diseases, including various cancers, diabetes, dementia and other neurological disorders.

Mold toxins, too, such as Aflatoxin M1 (which comes from Aspergillus mold in various foods) or Verrucarin A (which is linked to the dangerous black mold called Stachybotrys in water damaged buildings) are more common than people realize. These mycotoxins (a.k.a. mold toxins), and many others, are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. It has been determined in Europe that upwards of 20% of all grains harvested are contaminated with mycotoxins. These toxins, along with environmental chemicals, are linked to various chronic health problems from allergies, autoimmune diseases and joint and body pain to neurological disorders, respiratory illnesses and immune disorders.

Chemical & mold toxin exposure & its detrimental health effects are a largely untapped area of integrative medicine intervention for people with chronic health problems. Now, more than ever, it's imperative that every integrative health practitioner have a complete & comprehensive plan for assessing & treating chemical, mold exposure & toxicity.

Become An Environmental Toxicity Specialist
With the Toxicity Mastery Course!


Dr. Woeller and Dr. Tranchitella's Toxicity Mastery Course
Teaches You What You Need To Know To Successfully Treat
Toxicity Issues 
Using Integrative and Functional Medicine:

With Toxicity Mastery Course, You Will Learn:


    Learn the hidden dangers of various environmental chemicals and their link to various physical and mental health problems..


    Learn the hidden dangers of mold toxic chemicals (a.k.a. mycotoxins) and their link to various physical and mental health problems.


    How chemicals and heavy metals impact the methylation system, mitochondrial function, hormones and predispose to many autoimmune diseases.


    Which chemicals are most at risk for causing problems with yourself and your patients/clients.


    How to utilize and interpret the TOX Detect Profile from Mosaic Laboratory and how it correlates with other tests such as the Organic Acids Test (OAT).


    Develop strategies to reduce exposure to environmental chemicals.


    Which supplements and foods are most helpful for combatting the negative effects of environmental and mold chemicals.


    How to utilize and interpret various environmental chemical tests such as the Tox Detect panel from Mosaic Laboratory (which evaluates for over 170 chemicals) and the Glyphosate test.


    Which biomarkers from other integrative medicine testing such as Organic Acids Test (OAT) can suggest environmental chemical problems. For example, the Succinic marker on an OAT has a strong link to toxic chemical exposure.


    How to access protocols such as infra-red sauna, ion foot cleanse and heavy metal detoxification that can be used for both adults and children. This also includes special needs individuals like children with autism, who often have difficulties with environmental chemicals and detoxification.


    Learn why digestive system problems can often contribute to ongoing problems with toxins.


    How to effectively implement digestive system detoxification to improve the overall health of your patient/client.

We've Jam Packed Everything Into This 9 Module Toxicity Mastery Course to Flatten Out The Learning Curve, So You Can Quickly & Successfully Incorporate These New Tools Into Your Practice!

Look At Everything You'll Get With The Toxicity Mastery Course:

  • Live, Weekly Webinars

    Weekly lesson webinars (9 total) with Drs. Woeller and/or Tranchitella on their specific topic of expertise. Each webinar is presented LIVE, and recorded for later viewing.

  • Live Q&A Sessions (Including Lab Reviews)

    Live Q&A sessions with Drs. Woeller and Tranchitella. These sessions are presented LIVE, recorded for later viewing, and are meant to support the lecture material, but are open to any topic of interest you may be encountering in practice.

  • 24/7 Access To Private Forum

    24/7 access to Drs. Woeller and Tranchitella through the members-only Toxicity Mastery Course Forum. This forum is used by you to post questions to the doctors.

  • Brandable Office Documents

    Office documents, templates, treatment protocols, patient handouts, etc. Many of these documents are open-access (brandable), which means you can use at your discretion for your own logo placement, etc. to be used within your practice. The course material is meant to make this process of integrative and functional medicine for toxicity issues as turn-key as possible.

  • Webinar Lesson Slides

    Color slides in PDF format for all lectures, as well as printouts that can be used during the webinars for note-taking.

  • Certificate of Completion and CEU/CME Credits

    Certificate of Completion after successful completion of all course exams.  This course also qualifies for Category 1 CEU/CME Credits (check with your governing board in your state on CEU/CME requirements and accepted accreditation).

  • Extended Access to Resources

    Access to all course materials, documents, forum and recorded modules for one year after the course ends for on-going support and education.

  • BONUS - Breakout Lectures

    In addition to the live Module Lessons and Q&A webinars there are hours of recorded Breakout Lectures, including subjects such as Methyl B-12 Therapy, Interpreting The Hair Analysis Lab Test, and Acetaminophen Toxicity.

Toxicity Mastery Course Module Outline

  • MODULE 1: The Link Between Metal and Non-Metal Toxicity and Various Chronic Health Conditions – Understanding the Role of Integrative Medicine Laboratory Testing

    • The prevalence of various environmental toxins and their link to various health disorders.
    • Mitochondria dysfunctions linked to environmental toxins.
    • Using the Organic Acids Test (OAT) in the assessment of mitochondrial problems related to metal and non-metal toxicity.
    • Overview of common metal and non-metal toxins that can adversely affect individuals with autoimmune, autism, chronic fatigue, metabolic and neurological disorders.

  • MODULE 2: The Adverse Role of Non-Metal Environmental Chemicals and Chronic Health Disorders (Part 1)

    • Utilizing the Mosaic Laboratory TOX Detect profile in clinical practice.
    • How to interpret test findings, including various clinical case examples.
    • Supplements to support cellular detoxification.

  • MODULE 3: The Adverse Role of Non-Metal Environmental Chemicals and Chronic Health Disorders (Part 2)

    • Continuation of utilizing the Mosaic Laboratory TOX Detect Profile in clinical practice, including test interpretation and clinical case examples.
    • Sauna therapy for detoxification.
    • Overview of other detoxification options, e.g. Ion Foot Cleanse.

  • MODULE 4: Glyphosate Toxicity and Its Link to Microbiome and Metabolic Disruption

    • Understanding the adverse role glyphosate exposure on digestive health.
    • High prevalence of glyphosate exposure linked to Clostridia bacterial infections.
    • Glyphosate and heavy metal toxicity.
    • Steps to avoid glyphosate exposure and reduce its negative impact on health.

  • MODULE 5: The Adverse Role of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Chronic Health Disorders

    • Understanding the differences between various heavy metal tests such as hair, blood, and urine assessments.
    • Why you cannot solely rely on one test to determine levels of heavy metals.
    • Using different heavy metal tests for different types of individuals, e.g. children versus adults or autism versus non-autism.
    • How to interpret test findings, including various clinical examples.
    • Supplements to support heavy detoxification.
    • Various methods for heavy metal detoxification, e.g. DMSA, DMPS, natural remedies, oral versus intravenous.

  • MODULE 6: Non-Invasive Strategies for Detoxification Support Including Ion Foot Cleanse, Bathing Therapy and Methylation Support

    • Learn the role of Ion Foot Cleanse in detoxification support.
    • Various strategies for other routes of detoxification support.
    • Methylation biochemistry and detoxification.
    • Nutritional options for supporting detoxification.

  • MODULE 7: The Prevalence and Adverse Health Effects of Mold Toxicity Via Mycotoxin Exposure (Part 1)

    • Learn how mycotoxins can adversely affect health.
    • Utilizing the Mosaic Laboratory TOX Detect Profile in clinical practice.
    • Learn how to identify various mycotoxins such as Aflatoxin M1, Ochratoxin A and Verrucarin A (which comes from Stachybotrys mold) and which ones come from food and environment.
    • How to interpret test findings, including various clinical case examples.
    • Correlating MycoTox information with the Organic Acids Test.
    • Supplements to help with mold and mycotoxin exposure.

  • MODULE 8: The Prevalence and Adverse Health Effects of Mold Toxicity Via Mycotoxin Exposure (Part 2)

    • Continuation of Utilizing the Mosaic Laboratory MycoTox Profile in clinical practice.
    • Interpreting test findings, including various clinical case examples.
    • Supplements to help with mold and mycotoxin exposure.
    • Other methods of detoxification for mold toxins, e.g. sauna.

  • MODULE 9: Digestive System Detoxification as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach for Individuals with High Levels of Toxins

    • Learn how to implement an effective bowel and liver detoxification program and why this is important for individuals with environmental toxicity.
    • The role of Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification.
    • Types of bowel and liver detoxification programs.
    • Step by step guide to bowel detoxification.
    • What complications can occur with a detox and how to manage common problems in doing a bowel detoxification program.

  • BONUS MODULE - How To Interpret The Organic Acids Test From Mosaic Laboratory



Kurt N. Woeller, D. O.

"I look forward to teaching you about the latest in environmental and mold toxicity testing including lab evaluations for chemical and mold exposures like organophosphates, 2-4D (agent orange derivative) and glyphosate, as well as various heavy metal tests of hair, urine and blood. In addition, the incorporation of these tests along with other integrative medicine assessments like the Organic Acids Test make a powerful combination of lab to identify hidden toxic stressors. Then, putting this information together to develop comprehensive treatment programs of utilizing therapies such as infra-red sauna, ion foot cleanse, methylation detoxification support, heavy metal chelation and more helps to transform the health of individuals dealing with chronic health ailments. I have worked clinically for nearly two decades implementing various integrative medicine protocols and practices that have helped 1,000’s of individuals with chronic health issues, and we will show you in-depth how you, too, can incorporate these protocols into your practice."

Kurt N. Woeller, D. O., Co-Founder of Integrative Medicine Academy
Tracy Tranchitella, N.D.

Digestive system toxicity is often the cornerstone for many individual’s chronic health problems. Glyphosate and other environmental toxins can not only adversely affect systemic biochemistry, but they often first have their negative impact on the gut. Therefore, improving gut health is central to an integrative medicine approach for environmental toxins. Through my years of clinical practice, and working as a doctor consultant for lab test interpretation and clinical troubleshooting, I have garnered a tremendous amount of experience regarding practical and effective approaches for digestive system detoxification. Knowing when and how to implement digestive system detoxification can significantly improve health outcomes for people suffering with environmental toxin exposure. I look forward to bringing you a wealth of knowledge that can be easily implemented into any health practice.”

Tracy Tranchitella, N.D., Co-Founder of Integrative Medicine Academy

The Toxicity Mastery Course will enable you to help those who have been suffering with toxicity problems, some for many years...

You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers...

  • q-iconWhat is the Toxicity Mastery Course?

    The Toxicity Mastery Course is a 9 module intensive online course presented by Drs. Kurt Woeller and Tracy Tranchitella on common, but often overlooked and mistreated, disorders related to environmental and mold toxins. The doctors approach various health disorders correlated to environmental toxins such as autism, autoimmunity, chronic infections, gastrointestinal, immune and mitochondrial dysfunction and neurological disorders from an integrative medicine perspective along with specifics regarding various diagnostic tests such as the Mosaic Laboratory TOX Detect and Myco-TOX Panels, Glyphosate and Organic Acids Test, as well as other testing for heavy metals, e.g. hair, urine, blood. This course is both comprehensive and clinically practical for any health practitioner. It is also available to non-practitioners too who are interested in learning more about how environmental toxins may be impacted their own health of a family member.

  • q-iconWho is this Course For?

    The Toxicity Mastery Course is specifically designed for health practitioners. The lecture material and support documentation are geared towards professionals with a background in health sciences, but the course is open for the layperson as well who is interested in learning more about their own Environmental Toxicity issues.

  • q-iconDo I Have to Have Some Other Type of Integrative Medicine Training Before I Can Participate?

    No. You do not need to have prior training in integrative medicine prior to participating in The Toxicity Mastery Course. You will find that this course provides a good overview of integrative medicine principles.

  • q-iconCan People Outside The United States Participate in This Course?

    Yes, but the course will be taught in English. This course is available worldwide, so long as you have access to a computer, reliable internet connection, and a good understanding of the English language.

  • q-iconDo I Have to Have a License to Practice Integrative Medicine?

    Yes. You need a medical license to practice medicine. However, providing integrative health and nutritional consultations is available through other types of licenses and certifications depending on your particular state or country of residence.

  • q-iconWill There be Tests and/or Examinations Required For This Course?

    Yes. This course will offer exams for those seeking an “Certificate of Completion.”  Anyone can participate in the course and learn the material without taking the exams, but they will not receive this certificate without taking and passing the examinations. There are 3 exams and to receive the certificate, an 80% cumulative score from both exams must be obtained.

  • q-iconAre Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Education Units (CEU) Credits Available For This Course?

    Yes. Those who complete this course will receive Category 1 CEU/CME credits (issued upon their request) through Westbrook University.  It is the responsibility of the student to check with their licensing agency in their state, country or province on CEU/CME requirements and accepted accreditation.

  • q-iconWill I Have Access To The Doctors if I Have Questions?

    Yes! The doctors are available for questions through the live Q&A sessions, as well as via the Private Forum. You can post questions to the general forum or privately to the doctors. They monitor the forum frequently and respond to questions in a very timely fashion.

  • q-iconWhat Will I be Able To Do Once I Have Completed The Toxicity Mastery Course?

    This course will provide you with detailed information about integrative medicine testing such as identifying specific markers on the Organic Acids Test from Mosaic Laboratory as they relate to environmental toxins. Also, detailed analysis of other testing will be covered such as the TOX Detect, Myco-TOX and Glyphosate profiles from Mosaic Laboratory and heavy metal testing from Doctors Data, Mosaic and others.  Practical information regarding various therapies, treatment protocols, troubleshooting difficult cases, and much more will be provided.  As a health care practitioner, you will be able to take this information and apply it in your practice with patients and clients immediately. As a parent of a special needs child your will be able to take the same information and work with your personal health care provider in ways to help your loved one.

  • q-iconWhen do The Weekly Webinars Take Place?

    The Lesson webinars will primarily take place weekly, unless otherwise indicated on the course schedule. Please see the Schedule for exact days and times. Dates and times may be subject to change.

  • q-iconWhen do The Q&A Sessions Take Place?

    The Live Q&A sessions with Dr. Woeller will take place after modules 3, 6, and 9. Please see the Schedule for exact days and times. Dates and times may be subject to change.

  • q-iconWhat Happens if I Miss or Cannot Make The Scheduled Live Webinars or Q&A Sessions?

    Each webinar and Q&A session will be recorded and posted on the site within a few hours. Therefore, you will never be without that week’s recorded information.

  • q-iconDo You Provide Lecture Material & Other Patient/Client Forms That Can Be Used in Practices??

    Yes. Lecture slides, course material, including office form templates, program examples, etc. are offered through this course.

  • q-iconHow Can I Incorporate This Material Into My Medical Practice?

    The benefit of this course is your improved knowledge regarding integrative medicine regarding environmental chemical toxicity. This will immediately make it easier for you to identify those patients or clients who may benefit from this type of approach, and also allow you to assess their needs more efficiently.  The course material provided will also help you streamline office systems for laboratory testing, interpretation and treatment protocols.

  • q-iconWhat is The Tuition for The Toxicity Mastery Course?

    Tuition for the entire 9 module program is $2,970. There is also a greatly reduced “Early Bird” rate, plus a 3 pay option, where you can break the amount into 3 payments.

  • q-iconWhat Forms of Payment Are Available?

    We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express, as well as Paypal. No cash or checks are accepted. Payment is made through PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account to use Paypal.  You may use your credit card.

Ask A Question?

What Our Alumni Are Saying About Us...

"The real bonus to this program is the practice development aspect, the intake forms, the questionnaires, and all the handouts are so important and so useful. No other training program offers that. The other program I am enrolled in doesn’t do ANYTHING to support clinical practice development nor does it have an online forum for us to ask questions or interact.

We are getting such an amazing training here, and Dr Woeller is giving us far more than expected. I also had a chance to have a consult with Dr Tranchetilla and attend one of her classes in the Toxicity course, and you guys are going to really enjoy her contribution to this program. Both Dr W and Dr T are fantastic teachers and also have such a deep, scientific approach to these concepts.

We should all be very thankful that Dr Woeller and his team created this program. What we are learning is way ahead of the rest of the industry, and my hope is that the rest of the attendees see that.

With all that said, I wanted to personally say “thank you” to Integrative Medicine Academy for this program. It’s good stuff."

- Dr. Michael J.. DNM, PhD

"I’ve loved and learned a lot from all the courses!!"

- Valerie O.

"I have taken two of the classes by this group and they have both been well done and I plan on taking third as well. I would highly advise it."

- Travis Z.

Why Wait? Sign Up Now! Limited Space Available.


Toxicity Mastery Course Starts October 23, 2024!

Toxicity Mastery Course
    Join Now!
    • 15+ Hours of Webinars And Q&A Sessions
    • Extended Access to The Toxicity Mastery Forum
    • Course Materials - Color Slide pdf’s, Supplement & Medication Protocols, Office Forms & Documents, Patient Program Examples, Clinical Intake Questionnaire, & More.

    You are protected by our 100% money back guarantee

    Need Smaller Payments? Use Our 3 Pay Option!

    Go To 3 Pay Plan

    Full 100% Money Back Guarantee...


    No Hassle, Money Back Guarantee

    We are so sure you will love this Integrative Medicine Academy training course, that we will give you your money back if you don’t agree it was well worth the cost. Drs. Woeller and Tranchitella are dynamic and inspirational speakers & teachers, and are gifted with the ability to breakdown complex concepts and put them into easy-to-understand pieces. We are so confident that you will enjoy this training course, that we offer a No Hassles, No Problems, Money Back Guarantee. Basically, if you don’t like it, we don’t want your money! Enroll in the program. After the first module, if you’re not completely satisfied by what you’ve received, simply send us an email within 7 days after the delivery of Module 1, and we’ll give you a full refund on the course.
